Monday, June 20, 2011

Open Mic @ Teavolve

Althought I call this cafe "my happy place" in Baltimore, I have yet to attend their open mic nights. The host is Acaccia Spears, singer and songwriter. Hopefully I'll get a chance to chat with her after the show. See if I do in tomorrow's post!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The NEW My Moleskine is Re(a)d

The Blog is getting a makeover!  Originally, I founded this blog to focus on my personal publishing endeavors and to maybe explore big news events in publishing. However, after moving back home to Baltimore and discovering it’s flourishing literary scene I knew that this blog could be so much more.

This year, I have frequented local open mics, book festivals, readings, and other literary events. I’ve also been in contact with local writers, poets, and general supporters of Baltimore literary arts. However, I have yet to find an online forum that focuses on the overall Baltimore Lit-Scene.  Yes, you can find sites that list open mics, and search Google for local presses.  You may even find the occasional  review of local writers. I want this blog to incorporate all of those things and more!

I hope the new blog satisfies my current readers and attracts many more.  If you have suggestions for local events that need coverage, writers and publishers you want to learn about, or if you want to learn about advertising your project, event, or business on the Blog, please contact me at

Thanks for the Support!
